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箭叶淫羊藿居群形态及遗传多样性比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
箭叶淫羊藿(Epimedium sagittatum)是淫羊藿属中分布最广、形态变异最大、分类学最难处理的一个物种,不同箭叶淫羊藿居群其形态、活性成分等差异较大,质量极其不稳定。本实验选择湖北罗田等12个不同的箭叶淫羊藿地理居群,在武汉植物园进行同园栽培,分析其主要形态数量性状及遗传多样性。结果发现箭叶淫羊藿不同居群在形态上表现出各自明显的差异。基于AFLP数据进行的遗传多样性分析显示,各居群聚类关系与地理分布密切相关,柳州居群(LZ)、西南居群(CL、HH、ZY)、华东华中居群(YT、WN、NF、HS、QZ、SG、LY、LT)依次分出。而形态分层聚类分析显示各居群形态变异复杂,只有部分与遗传多样性有一定的相关性。本研究结果对箭叶淫羊藿分类研究及资源筛选具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   
Mitochondrial genome and functional alterations are related to various diseases including cancer. In all cases, the role of these organelles is associated with defects in oxidative energy metabolism and control of tumor-induced oxidative stress. The present study examines the involvement of mitochondrial DNA in cancer and in particular in breast cancer. Furthermore, since mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited, hereditary breast cancer has been focused on.  相似文献   
The earliest Cape Muslims were brought to the Cape (Cape Town - South Africa) from Africa and Asia from 1652 to 1834. They were part of an involuntary migration of slaves, political prisoners and convicts, and they contributed to the ethnic diversity of the present Cape Muslim population of South Africa. The history of the Cape Muslims has been well documented and researched however no in-depth genetic studies have been undertaken. The aim of the present study was to determine the respective African, Asian and European contributions to the mtDNA (maternal) and Y-chromosomal (paternal) gene pool of the Cape Muslim population, by analyzing DNA samples of 100 unrelated Muslim males born in the Cape Metropolitan area. A panel of six mtDNA and eight Y-chromosome SNP markers were screened using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP). Overall admixture estimates for the maternal line indicated Asian (0.4168) and African mtDNA (0.4005) as the main contributors. The admixture estimates for the paternal line, however, showed a predominance of the Asian contribution (0.7852). The findings are in accordance with historical data on the origins of the early Cape Muslims.  相似文献   
Gene-derived simple sequence repeats (genic SSRs), also known as functional markers, are often preferred over random genomic markers because they represent variation in gene coding and/or regulatory regions. We characterized 544 genic SSR loci derived from 138 candidate genes involved in wood formation, distributed throughout the genome of Populus tomentosa, a key ecological and cultivated wood production species. Of these SSRs, three-quarters were located in the promoter or intron regions, and dinucleotide (59.7%) and trinucleotide repeat motifs (26.5%) predominated. By screening 15 wild P. tomentosa ecotypes, we identified 188 polymorphic genic SSRs with 861 alleles, 2–7 alleles for each marker. Transferability analysis of 30 random genic SSRs, testing whether these SSRs work in 26 genotypes of five genus Populus sections (outgroup, Salix matsudana), showed that 72% of the SSRs could be amplified in Turanga and 100% could be amplified in Leuce. Based on genotyping of these 26 genotypes, a neighbour-joining analysis showed the expected six phylogenetic groupings. In silico analysis of SSR variation in 220 sequences that are homologous between P. tomentosa and Populus trichocarpa suggested that genic SSR variations between relatives were predominantly affected by repeat motif variations or flanking sequence mutations. Inheritance tests and single-marker associations demonstrated the power of genic SSRs in family-based linkage mapping and candidate gene-based association studies, as well as marker-assisted selection and comparative genomic studies of P. tomentosa and related species.  相似文献   
Recent changes to fire regimes in many regions of the world have led to renewed interest in plant flammability experiments to understand and predict the consequences of such changes. These experiments require the development of practical and standardised flammability testing protocols. The research aims were (i) to compare plant flammability assessments carried out using two different approaches, namely functional trait analysis and testing with a shoot‐level device; and (ii) to evaluate the effect of disturbances and seasonal variability on flammability. The study area was located in the Western Chaco region, Argentina, and 11 species were selected based on their representativeness in forests. We studied six functional traits related to flammability, growth habit and foliar persistence, in forests without disturbances over the three last decades as well as in disturbed forests. The seasonal variation of these functional traits was evaluated over two consecutive years. Functional trait flammability index (FI) and shoot‐level measurements followed standard protocols. Sixty per cent of the species measured presented a high to very high FI. The results of both assessment methods were significantly correlated. Both methods identified the same species as having medium flammability, but differed in regards to the most flammable species. Senegalia gilliesii was identified as the most flammable species when using functional trait analysis, whereas shoot‐level assessments found Larrea divaricata and Schinus johnstonii to be the most flammable. There were no disturbance effects on the FI but there was seasonal variation. Our results validate the use of functional traits as a predictive method of flammability testing and represent the first global effort comparing flammability obtained through functional trait analysis with empirical measurements. The significant correlation between both methods allows the selection of the one that is more appropriate for the size of the area to be evaluated and for the availability of technical resources. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
为了解红厚壳(Calophyllum inophyllum)的抗逆特性,对西沙群岛自然生长的红厚壳叶片的形态解剖、生理生态、以及叶片和适生土壤的元素含量进行了研究。结果表明,红厚壳是阳生性植物,其上表皮厚,海绵组织发达且栅栏组织排列紧密,气孔排列松散且密度小(24.40 mm~(-2)),有利于叶片保水抵御干旱。叶片的叶绿素a、b含量低(分别为0.87和0.43 mg g~(-1)),表明红厚壳具适应强光环境的能力。叶片的MDA含量低(13.46 nmol g~(-1)),PRO含量高(127.89μg g~(-1)),SOD活性高(149.42 U g~(-1)),总抗氧化能力高(388.60 U g~(-1)),显示红厚壳能通过提高自身的抗氧化能力抵御膜脂过氧化伤害。红厚壳自然生长的珊瑚岛土壤较为贫瘠、营养元素含量低,但红厚壳植株体内具有较高的营养元素含量,表明红厚壳营养元素利用率高,对于贫瘠土壤具有很好的适应能力。因此,红厚壳具有较高的抗氧化胁迫能力和耐受干旱的能力,适宜生长在热带珊瑚岛等土壤贫瘠的生境,可以作为热带珊瑚岛防风固沙和植被恢复的工具种。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical feasibility of non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to detect foetal copy number variations (CNVs). Next‐generation sequencing for detecting foetal copy number variations (CNVs) was performed on the collected samples from 161 pregnancies with ultrasound anomalies and negative NIPT results for aneuploidy. The performance of NIPT for detecting chromosome aberrations was calculated. The sensitivity and specificity of NIPT for detecting CNVs > 1 Mb were 83.33% and 99.34%; the PPV and negative predictive rate (NPV) were 90.91% and 98.68%. Non‐invasive prenatal testing can be performed to detect chromosomal aberrations in first trimester with high performance for CNVs, and occasional discordant cases are unavoidable.  相似文献   
2017年10月,在贵州省福泉县发现了桃花水母(Craspedacusta)。观察其形态结构,福泉的桃花水母与索氏桃花水母(C. sowerbyi)高度相似。采用PCR和DNA测序技术扩增和测定了福泉采集桃花水母的核糖体小亚基rRNA基因(18SrRNA)、核糖体RNA基因内转录间隔区(ITS)及线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基基因(COI),并与GenBank上已有的桃花水母18S rRNA、ITS、COI基因序列进行了比对。分子鉴定结果显示,福泉的桃花水母18SrRNA、ITS、COI基因序列与索氏桃花水母相似度分别为100%、92%、99%,确定贵州省福泉市发现的桃花水母样品在种分类水平上为索氏桃花水母。并就桃花水母的某些形态学分类指标的标准、不同伞径之间的差值是否能作为桃花水母形态分类的一个新指标这些问题做了讨论。  相似文献   
弓形革囊星虫(Phascolosoma arcuatum)是近年兴起的水产养殖品种,目前已形成一定养殖规模,但是其生物学特性相关的研究只有零星报道。本文主要采用石蜡切片苏木精-伊红(H.E)染色和扫描电镜方法对弓形革囊星虫的整体形态和各主要器官的结构进行研究。结果表明,弓形革囊星虫主要由吻部和躯干部构成,躯干部有乳突分布;吻部由触手和项器构成,伸长可达躯干部的两倍,具有感光性。其消化系统由口、食道、肠、肛门四个部分构成,不同部分的肌肉组织存在明显差异;收吻肌一端与吻相连,另一端分成4支,分别连于背部两侧(背收吻肌)和腹部两侧(腹收吻肌);食道贴于收吻肌,后连接肠。肠分为肠下回环与肠上回环,肠上回环与肠下回环缠绕盘旋,肠上回环后接直肠。直肠具有盲囊,后连接肛门;两条肾管分布在腹侧。  相似文献   
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